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T e x t o s & T e x t u r a s

Bênção do caminho

Photos ©Jay Dickman, 20131022_ATW_Tibet_03325F Three pilgrims walking with baby to Monastery in Tibet (306 words) Photographing people is what I love doing most. The on-going ÒdanceÓ in front of the camera is never repeated and ÒmomentÓ is paramount, as it brings the energy to the viewer. I think the job of a photographer is almost that of a director or choreographer. We set the stage and wait for our subjects to reach their peak moment. ItÕs the responsibility of the photographer to capture that moment, loud or quiet. I was photographing in Lhasa, Tibet around Norbulingka Park, the former summer palace of the Dalai Lama. Walking in those grounds, I headed towards Drepung Monastery, when I saw these three pilgrims on their quest to visit the monastery. Photographing people is not an easy process for everyone. Approaching a stranger, home or abroad, to ask permission to take their picture can be intimidating and for many aspiring photographers, the first time you try this it may be met with a negative response. DonÕt take it personally. IÕve found that I have about an 85%+ success rate in asking permission to photograph a complete stranger. Part of the process is to ÒreadÓ a situation, to see if itÕs appropriate to approach a potential photo subject. Why I, and other photographers are successful is this process is pretty simple; we make eye contact and show real interest in what that person is doing. They may stop doing what was cool, and turn to you to take your picture, but give the process time so you become kind of boringÉ so your subject goes back to doing what was interesting to you. You are entering a short-lived Ò relationshipÓ with that person, and your job is to capture what best illustrates what that person is about. Give this some time for the situation to develop, but also be sensitive to when youÕve overstayed your welcome. Olympus E-M1 with 12-40mm f2.8 lens 1/200th second, f 7.1 200 ISO

Que o Deus peregrino te faça companhia
desde as estradas empoeiradas da Galileia
e te ajude a atravessar as regiões inóspitas da
Síria, Samaria e outros confins da terra,
até chegares, são e salvo, à cidade da Paz.

Que ele te encoraje a anunciar graciosamente as boas-novas aos pobres
e a denunciar intrepidamente as más condutas dos poderosos.

Que ele te dê forças para resistir aos opressores
e a carregar com dignidade a tua cruz.

Que ele te ilumine quando atravessares o vale da sombra da morte
e te reanime quando for a hora de trilhar os novos caminhos da ressurreição.

Luiz Carlos Ramos


Bendición del camino


Que el Dios peregrino te haga compañía
desde los caminos polvorientos de Galilea
y te ayude a atravesar las regiones inhóspitas
de Siria, Samaria y otros confines de la tierra
hasta que llegues, sano y salvo, a la ciudad de la Paz.

Que él te anime a anunciar, pleno de gracia, las buenas noticias a los pobres
y a denunciar intrépidamente las malas acciones de los poderosos.

Que él te dé las fuerzas para resistir a los opresores
y para cargar con dignidad tu cruz.

Que él te ilumine cuando atravieses el valle de sombra de muerte
y te reanime cuando llegue la hora de transitar los nuevos caminos de la resurrección.

Luiz Carlos Ramos
Versión al español de Gerardo Carlos C. Oberman

Sobre a foto:
Photos ©Jay Dickman, 20131022_ATW_Tibet_03325F Three pilgrims walking with baby to Monastery in Tibet. Olympus E-M1 with 12-40mm f2.8 lens 1/200th second, f 7.1 200 ISO

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